Friday, August 15, 2008


om ganganpatye namah

The Sanskrit word mantra- (मन्त्र) consists of the root man- "to think" (also in manas "mind") and the suffix -tra meaning, tool, hence a literal translation would be "instrument of thought".
Another explanation is that the suffix -tra means "protection".

Mantra japa was a concept of the Vedic sages that incorporates mantras as one of the main forms of puja , or worship, whose ultimate end is seen as moksha /liberation.

It is said that through japa the devotee attains one-pointedness, or extreme focus, on the chosen deity or principal idea of the mantra. The vibrations and sounds of the mantra are considered extremely important, and thus reverberations of the sound are supposed to awaken the Kundalini or spiritual life force and even stimulate chakras according to many Hindu schools of thought.

Any shloka from holy Hindu texts like the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutra, even the Mahabharata , Ramayana, Durga saptashati or Chandi are considered powerful enough to be repeated to great effect, and have therefore the status of a mantra.

due to such great importance of mantras i will use this blog to share various mantras and there meaning.also ill share sahasranama, hymns, shlokas, subrabhatams,songs(written by various historical religious writters like adishankrachary etc. in praise of the almighty).

ill be glad if you share your knowledge about the text too..

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